Even with all our innovations in social media, technology, and communication, press releases still rank among the top ways to get your news out fast. But while the mission has remained the same, the format is a little different, and changes are cropping up every day. Here is a list of ways to get your online press releases to work for you in the modern world of news.
1. Press Release Submission Services. Hiring a service to send press releases to the major newswires for you is a time honored tradition, allowing you to focus on your business and your writers to focus on their writing, without anyone having to wear more hats than they might be comfortable with. Many services today offer online and print submission services, either for free, for a monthly fee, or on a “pay per submission” basis. Find the service that hits the markets you need to hit. Mass distribution is great, but targeted distribution is glorious.
2. The Multimedia Experience. The Internet makes all kinds of things possible. Your press release can contain infographics, web links, attached PDF files, and even videos. Some submission services only offer these services as part of their premium packages, but they are absolutely worth paying for. Make sure the format is easy to navigate and customize yourself, or that your service provides qualified tech help to send press releases that are guaranteed to catch the eye.
3. Search Engine Optimization. SEO has become a driving force in online marketing, but its reach is not just limited to advertising. You can help your press release to rise in the search results by choosing relevant keywords and phrases about your topic, and making sure those words and phrases appear organically in the copy. Your submission service may already offer optimization as part of a package, but if not, there are plenty of articles and blogs you can find about how to give your release a leg up in the search engines.
Any tips, tricks, ideas, recommendations, or suggestions about press releases? Leave a comment below.